jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

English section •

Its my life, its my dance
By: Sofía Carabetta

Dance for me is passion. Why? Because it is something in what you insist on improving regardless falls or the ups and downs.
I feel free, happy when I put it in practice. I feel that I can show thousands of emotions through movement. OK no, im not a professional dancer, but I would already like to hahaha
Maybe i'm not the best person to talk about the dance and nothing professional, but i know, that the dance is that feeling of to act as someone else, not feel shame when you dance in a show and you can be yourself when its time to shine… For the same reason I will different academies of dance from the age of 8/9. I always varié when it comes to dancing, I tried many things, and for example, this year I decided to do some hip hop, a type of dance that needs much charisma and strength, and really this is very much helping me to play me better.
Anyway, I doubt that you ever will succeed with dance, and is one of those dreams Platonic, but that goes, I'm going to have fun trying: :D

~ And here I leave you down a few videos of my favorite dances and some choreographies of certain movies that I love:

• • • This is the final scene of Step up, the movie, in my opinion, I love this type of movies!

• • •  This dance is of the movie, Center stage, also other one of my movies mas favorite, principally for his ballerina who is so perfect.

• • •  This video is of an ballet academy of dance of USA, I love it

• • • And finally and not less important, this pop video fascinates me, not only for his song, if not that for his choreography. The Pussicat Dolls whit when i grow up.

I hope you like it this post, see you in the next!

Sofía ♥ xoxo!

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