jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

English section

by: Jorgelina Barandiarán. 

"The dance is the only art in which we themselves are the material"

Dance for me means a huge part of my life, I don't chose because one day it occurred to me, or because it was just boring, but it's felt since I have memory. The videos of people dancing wonderfull touches my heart and made ​​me/make my move, because dance is just a way to express themselves, to get all the feelings out without saying a word. Norneed expensive costumes or instruments or any other device like it, just a body that feel in his soul the need to danceThere is nothing in the world to fill me and make me happier than dancing, feel the music in my veins, feel truly free. And frankly I do not care if I do well or not, but what my soulfeels in doing so outweighs any possible criticismI would have liked to start classical dance since childhood but then did not know it would be so necessary in the future, and I always say that if i could be born again I would do. My inclination at this time (although I love the contemporary dance) is the Arabic dance, I started at age 8 after seeing a show on it, then I wonder and do not leave until today.

I really love this scene, is from the movie Center Stage turn it up 2. 

My life (L)

This is one of my favourite  routine of contemporany dance (L)

Well,  I say goodbye 
Jorgelina :)

English section •

Its my life, its my dance
By: Sofía Carabetta

Dance for me is passion. Why? Because it is something in what you insist on improving regardless falls or the ups and downs.
I feel free, happy when I put it in practice. I feel that I can show thousands of emotions through movement. OK no, im not a professional dancer, but I would already like to hahaha
Maybe i'm not the best person to talk about the dance and nothing professional, but i know, that the dance is that feeling of to act as someone else, not feel shame when you dance in a show and you can be yourself when its time to shine… For the same reason I will different academies of dance from the age of 8/9. I always varié when it comes to dancing, I tried many things, and for example, this year I decided to do some hip hop, a type of dance that needs much charisma and strength, and really this is very much helping me to play me better.
Anyway, I doubt that you ever will succeed with dance, and is one of those dreams Platonic, but that goes, I'm going to have fun trying: :D

~ And here I leave you down a few videos of my favorite dances and some choreographies of certain movies that I love:

• • • This is the final scene of Step up, the movie, in my opinion, I love this type of movies!

• • •  This dance is of the movie, Center stage, also other one of my movies mas favorite, principally for his ballerina who is so perfect.

• • •  This video is of an ballet academy of dance of USA, I love it

• • • And finally and not less important, this pop video fascinates me, not only for his song, if not that for his choreography. The Pussicat Dolls whit when i grow up.

I hope you like it this post, see you in the next!

Sofía ♥ xoxo!